Accessories such as color-coordinated moldings and rivets are also available to complete the installation.
Glasbord is available in different colors and finishes, and can be cut and drilled for easy installation. In fact, it is up to 10 times easier to clean than other FRP panels and up to 6 times more stain resistant.For a durable long-lasting product life, many measures need to be taken into account from the quality of the wall substrate to the various adhesives, fasteners, trims, & caulking’s available for your wall substrate. Fiberglass reinforced plastic panel, (FRP Panels), installations is more then just “sticking” plastic sheets to walls. If you have access top and bottom, you can choose any fastener, but if you only have access at the top side, select either our G-Clips or CCSM-Clips. Access for installation: A final concern when choosing your FRP grating fasteners is whether or not you have access to install the fastener.I run through the Best and Easiest Way to install Rivnut /Rivet Nut / Nutserts. How to Install Rivnut /Rivet Nut / Nutserts.